Transparency in Coverage and Machine Readable Files

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Less cost, same accessible MRF data

We are a small startup with the capability to pull Treansparency in Coverage MRF data from publicly available large JSON datasets. Our mission is to bring that information to your org with ease and at a fraction of the cost of our competitors.

Our datasets are posted on a SQL server in the Azure cloud and we have set up access so you can connect directly and download the files. We are also tech savvy and flexible, so please reach out and tell us what would work for you.

Currently Available Provider Data

Provider Status
All data available.
Hospital Services available, professional data is missing at the source. We will check periodically awaiting Anthem to include professional.
In Progess
In Progress
In Progress
Currently only taking AdHoc requests for specific provider TINs/NPIs. Their file structure is particulay difficult and time consuming.

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